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No New Posts --- balcony - 1 Viewing

the balcany is perfect for just relaxing. it looks out over a garden. you can see for miles. it's a very private kind of place. everything seems still and quiet on the balcany adise from like random bird chatter or if anyone dared to talk and break the silence. it's not the awkward kind of silence, but the peaceful kind.

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No New Posts --- study rooms - 1 Viewing

that's right, camden has very comfortable study rooms. there are comfy chairs and coffee tables. but the rooms are pretty small and confined. not too good if you happen to be claustrophobic or something. but be careful, get too cozy and you might just doze off.

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--- robertson library

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newBookmarkLockedFalling AWARDS NOMINATIONS ! (MAY-JUNE)
brooke 2 254 by rebecca bianca füerst
Jul 5, 2009 17:00:56 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling ACTIVITY CHECK #1
brooke 0 205 by brooke
Jun 22, 2009 20:54:04 GMT -5


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--- robertson library
the library at camden is huge. it's one of the biggest school libraries in illinois. they have books on everything. informational books, reference books, fiction, non-fiction, mystery, horror, suspence, thriller, romance, sports, arts, and other books. they really take pride in their two story library. most students like to take advantage of the study rooms or the lounge area.
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