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No New Posts --- queller lake - 1 Viewing

alphonso queller was a man who was in love. every day he would cross a lake on a hand crafted raft to see the woman he loved. one day that raft failed him and queller was lost to the depths of the lake. hence the name queller lake. it's a beautiful lake. people often swim in it and some people just go for the scenery.

1 1 * trapped in my own skin, !
by meh
Jun 6, 2009 22:47:01 GMT -5
No New Posts --- dawson-grant park - 1 Viewing

dawson park was named after its creator richard dawson. he came up with a park design that would immortalize the beauty of chicago. of course, after the great chicago fire the park was destroyed and a man named billy grant redesigned it, making it a place worth going to in spare time.

1 7 Curiosity caught the Cat
by Willow "Saiga" Eshire
Jun 19, 2009 0:45:03 GMT -5

--- seasons in the sun

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newBookmarkLockedFalling AWARDS NOMINATIONS ! (MAY-JUNE)
brooke 2 254 by rebecca bianca füerst
Jul 5, 2009 17:00:56 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling ACTIVITY CHECK #1
brooke 0 205 by brooke
Jun 22, 2009 20:54:04 GMT -5


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--- seasons in the sun
some people are more into nature than they are the actual city, which is why chicago keeps up a few things having to do with nature. the park is kept beautiful by an over worked staff and the lake is as big and sparkly as ever.
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